Services and Referral Networks Assisting Women and Girls Survivors of Human Trafficking
Available protection systems and supportive services to fight exploitation and trafficking of women and girls
Addressing the Correlation between Climate Change, Migration and Trafficking of Women & Girls
Featured speakers included: The Hon. Susan Breall, California Superior Court Judge; Pablo Escribano, Regional Thematic Specialist of the International Organization for Migration; Anne Pelagie Yotchou, Board member of the International Alliance of Women & Director of the WIN Conference Cameroon; Hira Zahir, Program Manager for the 3Strands Global Foundation's Employ + Empower Project in San Francisco; Jennifer Wang, Victim Specialist, Federal Bureau of Investigation - San Francisco; Dr. Emily Murase, PhD, North America Coordinator, International Alliance of Women; and Antonia Lavine, SFCAHT Director and Treasurer of the International Alliance of Women.
Social Media as a Vehicle for Human Trafficking
The Global Fight Against Human Trafficking: International & Comparative Perspectives
Restoration & Protection of Human Trafficking Survivors Through Effective Socio-Economic Integration
United Against Human Trafficking
A Panel Discussion & Screening of the Spanish Version of Not My Life Documentary
Consulate General of Mexico, UNICEF-USA, Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking & SFCAHT
May 16, 2018
Consulate General of Mexico in San Francisco Community members, professionals and volunteers from across the Bay area gathered for a discussion about the local criminal justice and community response to the modern-day slavery happening in our own back yard. The program featured a keynote by Nancy O'Malley, Alameda County District Attorney and presentations by Patricia Eugenia Lavagnino-Spinola, Consul General of Guatemala; Silvestre Guillermo Reyes Castro, Deputy Consul General of Mexico; Luis Andres Garcia-Roman, Deputy Consul of Peru; Sgt. Antonio Flores, SF Police Department, Special Victims Unit; Tania L. Garcia R. – O’Higgins, Ruby’s Place, Inc.; and Neda Dai, UNICEF-USA.The discussion was followed by a screening of the Spanish version of the award winning documentary Not My Life. |
Volunteer Training & Launching of the SFCAHT’s SB 1193 Outreach Campaign
SFCAHT Interfaith Committee, Northern California Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking, Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking & St. Ignatius Parish
March 4, 2018
University of San Francisco, Xavier Auditorium As an interfaith action to raise awareness and work collaboratively towards ending human trafficking, we called upon members of our respective communities to come together for a 2-week business outreach campaign between March 24 and April 7 associated with the observance of Lent/Easter and Passover. We focused our efforts around insuring that hotels are informed about the SB 1193 public notice posting requirements. On March 4 volunteers gathered to launch the outreach campaign with a training provided by members of the SFCAHT Inter-faith Committee and Mayor's Task Force on Anti-Human Trafficking. We formed 25 teams of volunteers who visited hotels in different areas of the city, provided the management with posters to be displayed at the hotel premises and explained the associated legal requirements. Click HERE to see this campaign featured in Catholic San Francisco newspaper. If you want to contribute to our efforts to insure SB1193's implementation by visiting other businesses, please contact SFCAHT Coordinator Antonia Lavine at antonialavine@sfcaht.org You can download the updated poster HERE |
Building Awareness and Recognizing Signs of Human Trafficking
Panel Presentation and Film Screening
March 29, 2017,
Koret Auditorium, Main Public Library This event for graduate students & clinicians in the mental health fields and other relevant professionals featured a film screening of Not My Life documentary and a panel presentation by Jacqueline Ortiz, Deputy Chief, Victim Services Division, SF District Attorney’s Office; Carly Devlin, Huckleberry Youth Health Center; Sgt. Antonio Flores, Human Trafficking Task Force, Special Victims Unit, San Francisco Police Department; and U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Federal Administrative Judge, Marianna Warmee, SFCAHT Co-Chair. Antonia Lavine, SFCAHT Coordinator, moderated. Special thank you to our intern, Dominique Kalata, a Graduate Social Work Student from Smith College, for envisioning and organizing this important event! |
SFCAHT's Work Presented at the Human Rights Conference: The Dignity of Working People
California Association of Human Relations Organizations
October 28, 2016
San Jose State University SFCAHT participated in the CAHRO's 2016 Human Rights Conference with a presentation on local collaborative efforts to combat human trafficking. SFCAHT's Coordinator Antonia Lavine provided an overview of SFCAHT programs and volunteer opportunities for those interested to help fight modern-day slavery in our own back yard. The two day CAHRO hosted conference was cosponsored by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, SCC Human Relations Commission, SCC Office of Human Relations and SJSU Human Rights Program |
Stop.Observe.Ask.Respond to Human Trafficking
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
September 7, 2016
California Endowment Oakland Conference Center & Postgraduate Institute for Medicine Health care providers, public health professionals, volunteers and members of the public attended the two training sessions lead by Clarissa Phelps, JD/MBA, Esq., CEO and Founder of Runaway Girl, Inc. and Dr. Kimberly Chang, Site Director at the Frank Kiang Medical Center, Asian Health Services to learn how to identify human trafficking and respond to the need of survivors. Congratulations and thanks to Regional Director Emily Hughes for her great leadership to bring this excellent training to the Bay Area. The training is available also via scheduled online virtual classroom. Click HERE to see the dates of upcoming virtual trainings and register. |
Exchange of Good Practices
Refuge, UK and SFCAHT
July 22 & 25, 2016
San Francisco, SFCAHT In July 2016, representatives of SFCAHT met with Jane Keeper, Director of Operations of Refuge, UK's largest single provider of specialized support to survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, forced marriage, rape and other forms of sexual and gender violence. We spoke about our local collaborative efforts to combat human trafficking, highlighted the services offered to survivors by MISSSEY, Love Never Fails and Freedom House and provided information about the Blue Campaign of Homeland Security. Ms. Keeper presented about Refuge's services across 53 local municipalities in the UK with over 3,800 women, children and men served on any given day. |
The Refugee Crisis and Human Trafficking Explosion in the Middle East and Europe
March 29, 2016
Jewish Family and Children's Services, San Francisco Over 80 participants from government agencies and community based organizations gathered for a presentation and video screening by the IsraAID's team: Chief Operating Officer - Navonel Glick (Voni) Emergency Medical Team Leader - Dr. Iris Adler Global Partnership Director - Yotam Polizer Find more information about IsraAID HERE. |
Mentor Training | NCJWSF Youth Empowerment Mentoring Program
National Council of Jewish Women San Francisco & Sojourner Truth Foster Family Service Agency
August 8, 2015
The Village, 1099 Sunnydale Ave., San Francisco Prospective volunteers gathered to learn how to mentor at-risk youth to prevent human trafficking. NCJW’s Youth Empowerment Mentoring Program convened for the second one-day mentor training lead by the Program’s Chair, Federal Administrative Judge, Marianna Warmee and Sojourner Truth Foster Family Service Agency’s Executive Director, Carletta Jackson-Lane. Many victims of sex trafficking report that had they had one stable figure in their life they may never have been trafficked. The program aims to offer the support that can make the difference. |
Presentation and Panel Discussion: Human Trafficking in the South Bay
Jewish Community Relations Council, National Council of Jewish Women SF & Santa Clara County
August 5, 2015 | Levy Family Campus, Los Gatos
More than 200 attended the gathering in Levy Family Campus, Los Gatos. The event was co-hosted by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara County, National Council of Jewish Women San Francisco, Jewish Coalition Against Human Trafficking, and San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking. The speakers included: Zoe Lofgren, Representative (D-CA 19th District) Jeff Rosen, District Attorney for the County of Santa Clara Cindy Chavez, Santa Clara County Supervisor, District 2 The South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking presented a highly informative discussion panel consisting of: Eric Quan, San Jose Police Department (SJPD) Paula Estanislao, District Attorney (DA) Assistance Ruth Silver Taube, Katharine & George Alexander Community Law Center (KGACLC) Perla Flores, Community Solutions Division Director |
SFCAHT presentation at the UN Comission on the Status of Women's 59th NGO Parallel Session
Combining Government, Civil Society, and the Tech Industry to Fight Human Trafficking
Nancy Kirshner-Rodriguez and Emily Murase presented another exciting workshop focused on the Cities for CEDAW Initiative.
For information on all the events organized by the SF Department on the Status of Women at the UN CSW 59th NGO Parallel Session, CLICK HERE. |
March 11, 2015
Church Center, United Nations, New York At this year's NGO Parallel Session of the UNCSW in New York, the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women, SFCAHT, and National Council of Jewish Women San Francisco co-sponsored a workshop on the theme "Combining Government, Civil Society, and the Tech Industry to Fight the Hidden Epidemic of Human Trafficking in San Francisco and Beyond." The Church Center of the United Nations was packed for the workshop. The audience was actively engaged with great questions for our panelists: Nancy Kirshner-Rodriguez, San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women; Emily Murase, San Francisco Department on the Status of Women; Antonia Lavine, SFCAHT; and Marnie Webb, Caravan Studios. |
Luring Children into Sex Trafficking: Examining Recruitment Tactics Used by Traffickers
Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking in collaboration with Shared Hope International
February 9, 2015
Jewish Family and Children's Services, San Francisco The Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking in collaboration with Shared Hope International presented a panel discussion and screening of “Chosen”, a documentary explaining the ways traffickers are recruiting children into sex trafficking. The audience learned how to identify and prevent such victimization. Among the panelists were Sergeant Antonio Flores, SF Police Department's Special Victims Unit, Cari Herthel, a trafficking survivor, Nancy Goldberg, and Laurel Botsford, Shared Hope Ambassador (pictured from left to right). |
FREEdom Expo!
Love Never Fails
February 7, 2015
Oakland City Church, MacArthur & Coolidge Love Never Fails welcomed the Bay Area interfaith community members to their third Freedom Expo. The focus of the day was:
Screening of the "In Plain Sight" Documentary
Anti-Trafficking Faith Leader Coalition
Consular and Diplomatic Response to Modern Day Slavery
SFCAHT in collaboration with the Mexican Consulate in San Francisco
August 28, 2014
SFCAHT General Meeting The Gallery of the Mexican Consulate General 532 Folsom St., San Francisco Presentation by the Mexican Consulate followed by a panel discussion with Andres Roemer, Consul General, Mexico, Victor Arturo Palacios, Deputy Consul General, El Salvador, Denis Galeano, Consul General, Nicaragua, Francisco Escobar, Consul General, Guatemala, Candy Chavez, Consul General, Peru |
SB 1193 Public Notice - Community Day of Outreach
Saturday, April 5 , 2014 San Francisco Law Library at 1145 Market Street, 4th Floor Seminar Room Volunteers met for a brief orientation about the SB 1193, received materials, and spread out in groups of two to canvass the neighborhoods. Please join us for future public notice actions to take a stand against modern-day slavery in our city. Sign up to be part of this movement by filling out this quick survey HERE. For more information, see our Facebook Event HERE. sb1193_alameda_county_final11x17_1.pdf Download File |
A Celebration of the Production of the Anti-Trafficking Opera Anya17
SFCAHT and Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking (JCEHT)
February 27, 2014
The German Residence, 1960 Jackson Street, San Francisco German Consulate, Opera Parallèle, Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking and San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking co-sponsored a reception to promote the upcoming American Premier of Adam Gorb’s powerful anti-trafficking opera, Anya17 Featured Speaker: Former Speaker pro tem of the California Assembly, Sally Lieber |
Panel Discussion on Existing and Proposed Human Trafficking Legislation
February 27, 2013
San Francisco District Attorney's Office View Announcement (pdf) View Powerpoint Presentation (pdf) Listen to audio of the Event |
Launching of the San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking, 2010
Press Conference
January 11, 2010
San Francisco City Hall, Mayor's Balcony The San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking held a press conference to announce its innovative collaboration and to introduce a month-long awareness campaign. To mark the occasion, Mayor Gavin Newsom, San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, Supervisor Carmen Chu, Police Chief George Gascon a human trafficking survivor, and local service providers discussed human trafficking and its local and global implications. To watch the video from the press conference click HERE. For the Press Release click HERE. |
San Francisco Community Convening Forum 2009
Building a Local Collaboration Against Human Trafficking
Community-based service providers, advocacy groups, City departments, criminal justice, health and mental health providers working together to build a local collaboration against human trafficking
February 24, 2009
Milton Marks Conference Center. 455 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco Honorary Event Chair: Congresswoman Jackie Speier Co-Sponsors: Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, Former Assemblywoman Sally Lieber, Mayor Gavin Newsom, President of Board of Supervisors David Chiu, District Attorney Kamala Harris Hosts: San Francisco Department and Commission on the Status of Women, San Francisco Human Rights Commission, Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking, Asian Anti-Trafficking Collaborative, Standing Against Global Exploitation (SAGE) Participants in the forum voted to create SAN FRANCISCO COLLABORATIVE AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING |