Let us know what events you are planning to host! To include your event in our calendar, please submit event title, organizer, date & time, location, description, contact and associated flyer/image/links to SFCAHT Coordinator at antonialavine@sfcaht.org.
Please Note: This calendar is offered as an awareness-raising service to the community. For additional details about specific events, please contact the hosting agency/individual named in the listing. Events hosted, sponsored or endorsed by the San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking include the acronym "SFCAHT." Outreach Campaign to promote the services of the 24/7 HotlineIn August 2024 we launched our third marketing campaign to promote the services of the San Francisco Bay Area 24/7 Hotline for survivors and community. As part of this campaign, the MUNI has been displaying the hotline phone number and image on busses' exterior and interior. Help us promote the hotline among communities and professionals across the Bay Area!
UNODC Global Report on Human Trafficking:
NEWS/ANNOUNCEMENTSThe 24/7 San Francisco Bay Area Human Trafficking Hotline is up and running!Call 📞 415-907-9911Interpretation in over 240 spoken languages available 24/7
The San Francisco Human Trafficking Hotline (SFHTH) confidentially and safely connects survivors of human trafficking and their support networks with resources and protections. Through its services and collaboration with the local and national stakeholders, the hotline empowers survivors to regain control, navigate their options, and determine their next steps.
Please note: If you are in immediate danger, call 911 for an immediate response. MORE Congratulations to the winners of the 2025 MODERN-DAY ABOLITIONIST AWARD!Modern-Day Abolitionist Award
for Outstanding Advocacy and Service to Survivors Modern-Day Abolitionist Award
for Outstanding Policy and Leadership BEVERLY MAY
Director Governmental Affairs, Human Trafficking & IT California Massage Therapy Council Bio Modern-Day Abolitionist Award
for Outstanding Advocacy and Collaboration Congratulations to the winners! 2025 SFCAHT Teen Poster, Writing and Music ContestThe 2025 Contest for middle and high school students attending public, private, or home schools in San Francisco and the greater Bay Area concluded on March 1st.
We presented the following prizes to the winners: 1st place: $500 2nd place: $250 3rd place: $100 2025 Contest Theme: “Stolen People, Stolen Dreams” Click HERE to see the contest rules and details. See the 2025 winning poster below: To get your free printed posters in three languages, please email us at info@sfcaht.org or call
HIGHLIGHTSServices and Referral Networks Assisting Women and Girls Survivors of Human Trafficking